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Human capital objectives and measures Diversity, equity & inclusion

SATO Group Declaration of Diversity

SATO Group is committed to providing a working environment where all employees, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, culture, religion, educational background, disability or age are able to fully engage in open dialogue and active participation while recognizing and respecting each other's unique attributes.
The implementation of innovative programs designed to create a corporate culture rich in diversity will provide a work environment that embraces the generation of new ideas.
In line with our corporate spirit of "Ceaseless Creativity", we will continue to make daily efforts to improve the awareness of diversity within workplace, making it a pillar of our business strategy.
Our goal is to foster and promote diversity by leveraging each employee's unique abilities and giving all employees the opportunity to grow and excel. This approach is key to delivering the best possible solutions to meet the diverse needs of our global customers.
Diversity opens the door to productivity, competitiveness and sustainable growth. (Created December 9, 2011)


At SATO, we aim to build a workplace for diverse employees to work together toward our common goal of contributing to a better and more sustainable world with Ceaseless Creativity. We promote diversity through three pillars as follows.

First, through our HR Development Committee, which was established under the board of directors' Nomination Advisory Committee in FY 2022. This committee helps our executive team reach a consensus on human capital management strategies, and conducts monthly reviews to improve how we are training key personnel and ensuring their diversity. Its scope of work includes conducting surveys on the company's current diversity situation, discussing KPIs and making decisions on various action plans. In FY 2023, the committee invited junior employees to form a diversity subcommittee, which is joined by our executive officer who oversees HR development and takes ownership of the following activities, with a focus on speeding up female empowerment.

  • Establishing a team dedicated to promoting diversity
  • Setting targets for female employment ratio (based on the Japanese government's targets) and putting plans into action
  • Involving more women in the company's decision-making processes
  • Organizing the SATO Women's Forum (FY 2024: Three sessions held, each with about 50 participants)
  • Holding discussions with non-Japanese employees and acting on their ideas
  • Getting executive officers to post diversity-related content on our internal social networking site

Second, through employee-led diversity activities initiated by individual offices/departments in Japan. Each office/department identifies its diversity issues and takes actions to address them autonomously, with the help of a central steering committee.

An example of self-led teams for HR development, workplace satisfaction, wellness and corporate values promotion

Third, through DE&I initiatives that are based on our HR strategic objectives. We have a dedicated team (newly established in FY 2024) that works on projects with people with disabilities and supports minority groups, going beyond empowering women to expand recruitment and job opportunities and create an inclusive workplace environment for all.

By integrating these three pillars, we hope to achieve diversity and inclusion so that we can bring out the best in every employee and build a stronger SATO together.

When our President and Group CEO, Hiroyuki Konuma, took office in 2023, he took part in the Japanese government's call to action on male business leaders to create “A Society in Which Women Shine.” He will continue networking with other male leaders across various industries to advance gender equality and women empowerment in SATO.

Efforts to diversify key employees

The diverse strengths and capabilities of our employees are what make us competitive as a business. We actively recruit mid-career and non-Japanese professionals, with the former constituting more than 60 percent of our workforce in Japan. We work to build a diverse talent pool, hoping to better combine various specializations to broaden our business horizons and create new businesses. To expand the company's talent pipeline, we have also set diversity goals, which include increasing the number of female managers, as part of our efforts to diversify employees in key positions.

Diversity goals (Japan)

(1) Increase female managers

In Japan, about 23 percent of our employees (as of FY 2022) and 7.9 percent of our managers (as of FY 2023) are women. We aim to set department-level targets and raise both ratios, particularly the ratio of female managers to over 8.4 percent in FY 2025 and to over 10 percent in FY 2030.

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FY 2023 actuals FY 2025 targets FY 2030 targets
Japan, consolidated 7.9% 8.4% 10.0%
SATO Holdings Corporation 15.6% 15.0% 16.0%
SATO Corporation (key domestic sales company) 5.6% 8.0% 9.0%

SATO Group: Number of employees

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FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Japan 1,516 464 1,980 1,522 469 1,991 1,522 467 1,989 1,559 470 2,029
Overseas - - 3,471 2,072 1,593 3,665 2,087 1,561 3,648 2,146 1,569 3,715
Overall - - 5,451 3,594 2,062 5,656 3,609 2,028 5,637 3,705 2,039 5,744

SATO Group: Gender distribution of managers

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FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Japan 92.5% 7.5% 92.0% 8.0% 92.7% 7.3% 92.1% 7.9%
Overseas - - 70.9% 29.1% 70.8% 29.2% 71.1% 28.9%

(2) Increase uptake of paternity leave

We drive workstyle innovations, promoting not only company-wide telework and flextime initiatives but also flexible working arrangements for employees with childcare commitments. In FY 2023, the utilization rates of paternity leave and childcare leave of absence by male employees were 58.8 percent and 120.6 percent respectively. To help new mothers stay in the workforce, we will encourage more male employees to take time off, ultimately raising paternity leave rate to our target of over 85 percent in FY 2030.

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Paternity and childcare-related leave rate Paternity leave rate Childcare-related leave rate
Japan, consolidated 135.3% 58.8% 120.6%
SATO Holdings Corporation 75.0% 25.0% 75.0%
SATO Corporation (key domestic sales company) 144.8% 65.5% 127.6%

(3) Reduce gender wage gap

We are committed to providing a gender-inclusive workplace with systems that pay and appraise male and female employees equally based on their work. However, due to the relatively smaller representation of women in leadership positions, the gender wage gap for our full-time employees stands at 70.7 percent in FY 2023. We are seeing success in retaining female employees to keep them longer with the company and will continue efforts to promote women's empowerment to build a more diverse and conducive workplace.

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Full-time employees Part-time, contract employees All employees
Japan, consolidated 70.7% 74.8% 64.0%
SATO Holdings Corporation 65.0% 91.1% 69.0%
SATO Corporation (key domestic sales company) 70.8% 86.7% 62.1%

*Male and female employees with the same job and rank are paid equally. The gap between median male and female wages is influenced by differences in job level/type and years of service.

Our diversity initiatives in Japan

(1) Support the career advancement of female employees

  • Conduct surveys on the career aspirations of female non-managerial employees and review survey results within the HR Development Committee to follow up with the necessary actions.
    Set department-level targets (for improving gender balance and promoting women into more senior roles).
  • Have the different functional headquarters organize their own activities (such as talks and career development or pre-management trainings) to inspire and propel female employees toward success.
  • Establish an interest group for driving women empowerment.

(2) Increase the motivation of older employees

Since April 2007
Raise the retirement age from 60 to 65 before this was made a statutory requirement.
Since April 2009
Remove the age limit for managerial positions, which was previously set at 56 years old. Older employees continue to be eligible for promotions, although with some salary adjustments.
Since April 2011
Introduce a Platinum Employment program for flexible retirement that lets employees aged 65 or above continue their careers in specialist roles on yearly contracts, subject to mutual agreement.

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FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Retiring employees (aged 65) 6 8 13 9
Retiring employees who are reemployed 4 2 8 8
Reemployment ratio 67% 25% 62% 89%

(3) Further empowerment of women

  • Support female employees before and after giving birth with incentive and leave benefits such as baby bonus, post-natal paternity leave and self-care leave.
  • Go beyond the statutory requirements by granting childcare support incentives and offering reduced hours to returning mothers for longer durations.
  • Encourage active utilization of paternity leave and other childcare benefits.
  • Provide online seminars on different health care topics (such as andropause and wellness of working women) to enhance employee health awareness and productivity and promote mutual understanding and diversity.

(4) Innovate workstyles and create a more engaging workplace for all

  • Conduct surveys to regularly assess workplace engagement levels and take actions for improvement based on survey results.
  • Introduce programs for internal recruitment and global internship.
  • Implement hybrid working arrangements that balance remote and in-office work.

Related data

New hire retention

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Year joined
FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
New graduate hires Three-year retention rate 78.7% 79.5% 90.5% 93.1%
Headcount at end of three years 37 31 19 27
Starting headcount 47 39 21 29
Mid-career hires Three-year retention rate 79.8% 71.6% 81.5% 88.9%
Headcount at end of three years 67 53 75 40
Starting headcount 84 74 92 45

Employee tenure

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FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Average years of service 15.6 15.9 16.2 16.6

Disability inclusion

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FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Ratio of employees with disabilities 2.16% 2.35% 2.20% 2.20%
Average monthly headcount 46 51 47.7 42

Uptake of leave and flexible work options

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FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Long-term caregiving leave 1 - - 1
Short-term caregiving leave 14 16 14 21
Work support leave (system for employees to accumulate and use expired annual leave for medical or caregiving purposes) - 7 13 10
Maternity leave 26 16 19 19
Parental leave* 25 22 29 41
(-) (-) (8) (23)
Employees eligible for parental leave* 57 60 60 50
(38) (45) (41) (35)
Parental leave utilization rate* 45.6% 26.7% 31.7% 38.0%
(-) (-) (19.5%) (65.7%)
Employees back to work after parental leave 100% 100% 100% 100%
Childcare leave 50 61 80 86
Reduced working hours 64 75 82 92
Annual leave utilization rate 52.8% 59.5% 64.7% 69.4%
Average annual leave days taken 10.0 11.2 12.3 12.9

*Figures for male employees are indicated in parentheses.

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