Each and every pain point of our customers and their worksites hones our professionalism as we face up to and solve each one.
Our challenge changes the world, and creates a future of prosperity and sustainability.
Learn about this passion and purpose of ours directly from our people.
#03 Patient ID wristbands
Innovating the future with patient wristbands: A history
Salespeople and developers tell the story behind SATO’s diverse lineup of patient wristbands and their vision.
#02 Preventative Maintenance – SATO Online Services
Eliminating downtime: How SATO revolutionized printer maintenance
A software development innovator explains why SATO created the world’s first IoT servicing platform for label printers.
#01 CL4NX
Exceeding customer expectations with a uniquely SATO solution
The head of the product development team explains how the CL4NX universal industrial label printer came to be.