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RFID inventory management system improves in-store visibility and accuracy

Emas Seri Nur | Malaysia

Emas Seri Nur is a leading customized jewelry family-run business started in 2016. A household name in Malaysia, it has captured the hearts of local customers, and is their trusted choice when it comes to jewelry purchase.

Customer challenges

Tedious & time-consuming manual stock-take

Manual stock-take using barcode system took two hours daily and was prone to human errors.

Security challenges for staff & valuable merchandise

Staff stayed back late after retail hours to complete stock-take which exposed them to safety threats such as robberies and potential financial losses or even personal harm.

Increased overtime cost for staff

Manpower deployed for stock-take after retail hours resulted in additional labor overtime costs incurred.

Solution summary

SATO RFID jewelry inventory management system helps retailers make data-driven decisions, increase customer satisfaction and maximize profits

Working with partner Sankyu Tech Sdn Bhd, an established ICT solutions provider, RFID tags are encoded and printed with SATO CL4NX printer and applied on each jewelry SKU. Using a RFID handheld scanner for cycle counting allows Emas Seri Nur to speedily and accurately determine current stocks level in real-time. The inventory report reflects each SKU and its location/outlet with a time-stamp, facilitating timely stocks replenishments, preventing stock-outs and lost sales.

Customer value

Operational and labor efficiencies

With the SATO RFID system, the stock-taking process is speedier and more efficient, with improvements in inventory accuracy.

Safety and security for staff and valuable merchandise

The safety of staff and security of valuable jewelry are safeguarded as there is no longer a need for lengthy and laborious stock-takes in the evenings after retail hours when the store closes.

Overtime cost savings

Replacing barcode with RFID technology has resulted in less overtime requirements for stock-take, which helped Emas Seri Nur save on manpower needs and overtime costs.

With the SATO RFID inventory system, we are seeing the benefits of a 98% improvement in productivity of our stock-take process, and also a higher inventory accuracy level. Our staff can now focus on serving and engaging customers, maximizing the in-store shopper experience, thereby driving sales and revenue.
Nur Akmar Bt Muslim
Director and CEO, Emas Seri Nur

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